Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Art Shows!!!

BUSY November! I have several art shows lined up. Here's a mini list if you're following along:
1. Dec. 1st 10-1 at ASU, this is an art show of my CCSA student work, titled "Monet to Mondrian". The students have done some great work!
2. Dec. 1st at Mystic Paper! Boxes, small wall plaques, greeting cards. See all of you there!
3. Dec. 14th (time tbd) at Bak'd in downtown Mesa. There will be two artists showing new artwork there for one month! I have some abstract paintings and some contemporary landscapes scheduled, don't miss it!
That's it for now, gotta go make some more cards...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Wow... Even in AZ the seasons change so quickly! If you have time to venture out before dawn, you'll finally feel the change of seasons...

The last class I took with Mike at Mystic Paper was amazing, inspiring! I've collaborated with an angels artist in Maine and I'm using the new techniques I've learned to make boxes and boards! SO MUCH FUN!

Here it is, already the middle of November... If you're reading this, don't let THIS time pass you by, look forward to the holidays of course, but don't get caught up in it all, take time out for yourself, keep creating!